Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Refugee Admissions

The national security has been a critical issue in the United States recently. This issue has become a controversial concern because Trump Administration is trying to limit population admitted to the United States. Following this matter, the CNN published an article named "Refugee levels are surging worldwide. Trump is slashing the number the US will let in." on Tuesday, September 18, 2018. Written by Zachary Cohen and Elise Labot, this article will take readers attention if they concern about immigration policy. This article gives the readers the latest report from Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's announcement on Monday, September 17 about the number of refugees allowed into the United States in next year will be 30,000 which is the lowest level in more than 38 years since 1980.
The article also addresses that the administration capped the number of 45,000 refugees for this year. This restriction is helping our national security or just support the goal to limit the overall number of immigrants into the United States of the administration. The United States is turning their back on people who need help to settle, or this restriction will secure our border and terrorism. Therefore, this announcement may face controversies among people.