Thursday, November 1, 2018


"Make American Great Again" became the slogan of Donald Trump for his presidential campaign. During the campaign, his controversial idea is that building a wall across Mexico - United States border to keep our country safe. I believe that Trump has his reasons to build the wall. People may like his ideas or not, but he is still working on it. In my opinion, we should not build the wall. It is not a practical idea for two reasons.
First of all, of course, it will cost American tons of money. The total length of the continental border is 1,989 miles. Trump said that we need to build only 1000 miles along the border because of “natural barriers” where we do not need a wall. How much actually do we have to pay to finish the wall? Trump’s estimated cost is varied. For example, in his speech in Dallas on September 14, 2015, Trump said: “Let’s say it cost $4 or $5 billion.” In the interview on MSNBC on February 9, 2016, he said: “The wall is probably $8 billion.” Moreover, he tweeted “The $20 billion Wall is “peanuts” compared to what Mexico makes from the U.S” on January 18, 2018. This amount of money is raising. How much of his words can we believe?  With that much money, we can invest that money in others things for our community such as education, jobs, healthcare rather than that wall.
Second, who is going to pay for the wall? American have to pay for it? Trump insisted that “a hundred percent” that Mexico would pay for the wall in one of his rallies. Does it make any sense? It is unclear how he would make Mexico pay for it. In his tweet on April 16, 2015, he wrote: “We must build a wall & deduct costs from Mexican foreign aid!” In the White House news conference on August 28, 2017, Trump announced: “It may be through reimbursement, but one way or the other, Mexico will pay for the wall.” Trump also said, “As an example, they can pay for it indirectly through Nafta” in an interview with the Wall Street Journal on January 11, 2018. Forcing Mexico to pay for the wall is unreasonable. How can we make others pay for our plan and our benefits?
Is the primary purpose of building the wall all for our border security? Trump’s priority is to keep our border in control which is good for our country. However, building the wall is not a good choice. The wall can decrease the number of illegal crossings, but it actually will not stop people to cross our border. They will find others way to accomplish what they want.  I do not know how well the wall works. However, I can see its negative consequences happening in our country. It raises the worry among people about racist. Immigration is not bad. Our hard workers are partly from the immigrants, and they actually help for our economy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree completely with your opinions on the wall that president Donald Trump wants to build. Personally I don't think it's a very smart investment. It might limit the amount of criminals and criminal activity that comes across the border. That doesn't mean it would get rid of all the criminal activity. I have discussed in other articles that bad people will continue to do bad things. There are many different ways for people to get into the country illegally. The wall could be a good idea if it didn't cost as much as it does. Also, I think it would cut the number of border patrol agents. I have several friends that are part of the border patrol and some are worried that with the wall they might not be able to provide for their family. They would have to find a new career. Not all border patrol agents will lose their job, but some will. Why have a higher number of agents when you won't need them. Trump will continue to try and be a bully, but threatening other countries and demanding they pay for something that they didn't decide on is kind of nonsense. Ultimately I believe border security should be addressed, but a wall is a little too much.